What else can we do with Nubuko? You can enlarge it by making
the stitches go over 4 and 2 canvas thread intersections instead
of over 3 and 1. Then, of course, you can do some of the small
stitches in another thread, as above. And on and on.
Enlarged |
SLANTY BARGELLO - Another great background stitch. I really
love this one!
2 strands Wildflowers
Slanty Bargello
As usual, let's see what else we can do with this great pattern.
Diagonal stitches can usually be expanded or contracted, so try
The rows done with Watercolors have been shortened to an "over
2" stitch as in diagram below:
2 strands Impressions with 1 ply Watercolors
for narrow row
Slanty Bargello variation
Or we could do as we did with Slanted 3's and occasionally
insert a row of tent or cross stitches after a row of the slanted
stitches. Here's how that would look.
Slanty Bargello with Tent or crosses
RIC RAC - Another favorite diagonal stitch for good canvas coverage.
This pattern can be done all in one color or you could insert
a row of a different thread every third or fourth row. You could
reduce the stitch to over 2 intersections for small spaces, or
you could expand it to over 4 for quicker coverage. You get the
idea by now!
Ric Rac with metallic used every fourth row
Okay...now we've seen a few good background stitches to use
when you need to REALLY cover the canvas well.
At a later date we'll come back and show you some straight
stitches that are good for backgrounds and then, perhaps, go
on to some open work favorites. Stay tuned for Part II to follow
in June.
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