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Welcome to the continuation of the class instructed by
Anthony Minieri
Part III (Continued from Jan. & Feb. classes)If you missed PART II
The beauty of an antique perfume bottle with atomizer, coupled with the beauty of silks and metallics and wonderfully textured stitches and techniques bring "Autumnal Scentiment" to life. In this class, designed for the experienced stitcher, you will experience Free-form Fly Stitch, Florentine Patterning, Rhodes, Fleur-de-Lis Crescents, Whipped Backstitch, Stem and Venetian Cloth Stitch. While learning these techniques you will work with three luscious Caron Collection threads: Waterlilies, Impressions and Soie Cristale, as well as floss and metallic braid. (Click on the picture for a full size photo for reference.)
AREA 5. Atomizer Hose
Using 1 strand of Impressions, stitch the hose in 3 vertical rows of stem stitch, but turn your canvas 1/4 turn to the left so that you can work the stitches horizontally. Work the top row first
Stitch 1-2 is a compensation stitch. Stitch 3-4 is your first full stem stitch. Don't pull stitch 3-4 into place until you bring the needle to the surface at point 5 above the working thread, then pull 3-4 into place. Continue in this manner to the end of the row.
Go back to the left end and repeat for rows 2 and 3. When working multiple rows of stem you must begin all rows at the same end or they will not have the same appearance.
AREA 6. Atomizer
1. Using 1 strand of metallic thread, stitch the connector to the atomizer in a Reverse Slant Cashmere. See Diagram 10.
2. With the same thread, stitch the top of the atomizer in five "over 2" straight stitches, referring to the hose chart (Diagram 10) for placement.
3. Using 1 strand of Impressions, work the atomizer in the Venetian Cloth stitch. This stitch is based on Buttonhole Needlelace.
Begin at the top of the atomizer with two horizontal backstitches each over two canvas threads as in Diagrams 11 & 12.
Bring your needle to the surface one thread diagonally down from the left backstitch. Work 4 buttonhole stitches (2 per backstitch). When working a buttonhole of this type, throw your thread to the right and slide it under the backstitch from top to bottom (see Diagram 12). This will anchor the buttonholes to the backstitches, but leave loops free beneath. When the 4th stitch is complete, bring your thread to the back of the canvas one thread diagonally down and right of the edge of the last backstitch.
Bring your needle to the surface 1 thread vertically down and lay a long stitch from right to left. This is known as a bar.
Plunge to the back and bring your needle up 1 thread diagonally down and to the left. Work another row of buttonhole stitches, anchoring them both to the buttonhole stitch of the previous row and to the bar. This will give your pattern body and support. See Diagram 12.
Continue working in this manner until you reach the bottom row. Follow the chart, expanding or decreasing the rows as indicated.
Before anchoring the last row of buttonhole stitches to the canvas, cut up three strands of Impressions into very small pieces and stuff the atomizer to give it shape.
Using 1 strand of Impressions, anchor the last row with a series of Cross Loops as shown on the bottom of the Venetian Cloth stitch graph. (Diagram 12)
AREA 7. Background Floor
Beginning in the channel at the bottom of the atomizer and using 1 strand of floss (or Waterlilies or Soie Cristale), stitch the floor in Horizontal ìover 10" Brick pattern. I have 24 rows. You stitch as many as you like.
AREA 8. Background Wall
1. Using 1 strand of floss (or Soie Cristale or Waterlilies in the color of your choice), stitch the background wall in the Geisha stitch. This will have very light coverage.
Begin stitching to the left of the perfume bottle. Stitch 1-2 will start six threads to the left and four threads up from the nine tent stitches which form the bottom left side of the bottle. Stitch the background in vertical rows.
I shaped the top of my piece to have an arched feeling to it. You can square it off if you like. There will be some tricky compensation, so count carefully.
A personal note from Tony Minieri:
I hope you have enjoyed stitching this design as much as I had designing it for you. I always derive great pleasure from the endless textures and effects we can create with stitches and threads. I hope our paths will cross again some day. Until then, Thank You for choosing to stitch this design.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: No part of these instructions nor the included designs/charts can be reproduced or distributed in any form (including electronic) or used as a teaching tool without the prior written permission of Anthony Minieri. One time reproduction privileges provided to our web site visitors for and limited to personal use only.
© 1997 The Caron Collection / Voice: (203) 381-9999, Fax: 203 381-9003
CARON email: mail@caron-net.com