Finished Dimensions:
3 1/2" wide x 4" high / 49 (wide) x 58 stitches
- 1 sheet of 14-count clear plastic canvas (ours from Darice)
- #22 tapestry needle
- sharp scissors with a good point
- Caron threads - Rachelette, Snow, Candlelight (see color
key for colors)

Stitching Instructions:
1. Cut out ornament shape from 14-count canvas. (Alternative
method: stitch the entire design except the outemost row (in Rachelette
A-5 Cobalt Blue). Then trim the canvas leaving one unstitched row around
the entire design. Overcast the unstitched row in Rachelette A-5 Cobalt
2. Stitch the design, following the chart, using Continental
or Basketweave stitches. Note: For the fibers we used: Use 1 complete
strand of Rachelette, Snow and 2 complete strands of Candlelight.
3. Overcast ornament edges with edging color.
4. Add a hanging loop and glue cardboard or stiff backing
fabric to ornaments.