We are delighted to present a woman with a very whimsical
approach to Christmas...
By Rita Vainius
Click here for her FREE PATTERN
already learned some needlework by age ten, Deborah Wilson's
mother and grandmother thought, "it would be ever so adorable
were I to needlepoint a Queen Anne footstool to match the piano
bench cover executed by my grandmother." She vividly recalls
this project: "What followed were six of the most boring
weeks filled with dusty rose wool basketweave stitches surrounding
a pre-worked center motif. I vowed that although I had previously
enjoyed forays into knitting, crocheting and surface embroidery,
needlepoint was definitely not for me."
It was not until many years later that Deborah would encounter
a needlepoint design that would, surprisingly, tempt her. In
1986, while visiting the home of a friend, Deborah glimpsed a
Christmas stocking her friend was needlepointing. The design
was hand painted on canvas, utilizing a wide variety of threads
and pattern stitches. Deborah's love of the "glitz and glitter"
the design incorporated, lured her in. She became so inspired
with the previously unrealized potential for creative expression
that needlepoint could offer, that she broke her childhood pledge
and began to view the technique through new eyes.
Close on the heels of this revelation, Deborah
was facing impending orthopedic surgery. With the prospect of
severely restricted movement because of casts on both legs looming
before her, Deborah purchased some hand painted canvases, threads
and instruction booklets to help fill her upcoming recuperative
period. She recalls: "By the time the casts were removed
I was so enjoying the stitching that I was already having difficulty
finding designs that suited my needs. After about a year, I took
a class in canvas painting so I could design my own." Her
first design attempts were creating ornaments for her family's
large traditional Christmas tree. Festive holiday decorations
were especially appealing to her flights of fancy and she branched
out into designs with Easter, Halloween and other holiday themes.
She is fond of informing people: "Were it not for bunions,
Beau Geste might never have been born!" When queried about
her company name, Deborah also enjoys enlightening them of its
origin: "Beau Geste, literally translated, means beautiful
gesture. As many needlework projects are meant for gift giving
or become family heirlooms, they are truly labors of love, which
I genuinely feel are among the most beautiful of gestures."
Friends saw her own work and began requesting that she paint
designs for them. As the demand grew, Deborah joined The National
Needlework Association. While accompanying her husband on a business
trip to the South during the winter of 1989, Deborah presented
her designs to the owners of a well-respected needlepoint shop
and wound up leaving with a significant order. That same year
she exhibited at her first national needlework market. From there
the business grew and has been growing ever since. Deborah has
taught at shops spanning from Cape Cod to La Jolla, and from
Chicago to Houston, meeting with enthusiastic reception wherever
her itinerary takes her. She is now active in several national
needlework organizations and by regularly exhibiting at trade
shows and teaching at shops, guilds and retreats nationally and
internationally, is constantly enriching her world with new customers,
students, colleagues and friends.
Santa" Scrunchie Kit C182K |
Santa" Scrunchie Kit C181K
and Toasty" Snowman Scrunchie Kit C183K
As a designer and manufacturer of a full line of hand painted
needlepoint canvases, Deborah considers her strategy of using
decorative, dimensional stitching techniques, incorporating a
variety of threads and embellishments as her forte. Her design
philosophy is eloquently put: "I truly believe that all
design ideas emerge from a wealth of sources. They are the compilation
of our life experiences." She still considers herself a
stitcher first, who designs always with stitching techniques
in mind, because as she astutely explains " Many designs
may look wonderful on the canvas but when needle and thread are
in hand they must also be 'stitchable.'" Deborah also gives
much consideration to the fact that, since stitching projects
can take a great deal of time to complete, it is essential that
the stitcher be able to enjoy looking at the design for an extended
period, no matter what the subject matter. Most notably, she
especially prides herself on incorporating new and innovative
stitching techniques in each design project. In response to her
signature artistic style, Deborah asserts: "My personal
artistic style might best be described as eclectic. The Beau
Geste line of designs began initially with whimsical designs
for the various major holidays, interspersed with classic Christmas
ornaments, geared towards stitching with maximum use of the varietal
threads coming on the market at the time. Today it is a full
service design line including, but not limited to, florals, Orientals,
realistic animals, rugs, floor pillows, glasses cases, handbags
and architectural motifs
" Additionally, Beau Geste
is the exclusive needlepoint firm authorized to adapt the world
famous Christopher Radko line of limited edition, hand blown
glass collectible Christmas ornaments to needlepoint and to sell
them as companion sets.
Witch Kit H20K
Witch H21K
Chili Pepper Santa
Kit C172K
Keeping pace with ever-changing trends in the industry is
a responsibility Deborah acknowledges and pays heed to. The variety
of fibers, fabrics, embellishments and other materials currently
available, is a luxury she feels fortunate to have at her disposal.
And she relishes each opportunity to familiarize other stitchers
with these resources: "Not every needlepoint shop has the
ability to stock every thread and, as such, I have been called
upon to create complete needlepoint kits which enable shop-owners
to introduce their customers to these materials while simultaneously
exposing stitchers to threads new to the market." Beau Geste
kits are consistently acknowledged to be the finest in the needlepoint
industry, containing first-quality hand-painted canvases, superior
stitch guides with large, easy-to-read charts, including rare,
hand-made attachments, varietal threads, needles and all materials
needed to complete an entire project. Certainly, no stitcher
can go wrong with Beau Geste!

Deborah was introduced to the Caron Collection, her attention
was riveted by the quality of the base threads. She elaborates:
"All Caron Collections threads possess what is referred
to in the stitching world as a fine "hand." The quality
is such that they may be used with confidence as to their lustre,
durability and ease in executing a wide variety of stitching
techniques. With use, I soon became aware that Lois' overdying
treatment of threads could also open a whole new world for me
as a stitcher, teacher and stitch planner. Whenever stitching
elements of a design such as water, mountains, all forms of greenery,
fur, feathers, florals, bargello patterns, woven bands, shaded
skies....I could go on forever!...I look to the Caron Collection.
Lois has the capacity to both mix subtle colors, which mimic
nature, and to combine dramatic colors that inspire new ideas.
Because Lois is so sensitive to the evolving needs of today's
stitchers, the new colors she continues to introduce are always
cutting edge."
Proof of market demand for Beau Geste designs and Deborah's
teaching talent is evident from her future itinerary, with engagements
already scheduled through the spring of 2001. Fortunately she
finds the work extremely rewarding as it provides the opportunity
for her to meet, interact with and exchange ideas with other
needle artists. In the upcoming year of 2000, Beau Geste will
exhibit at the Anaheim, CA and Columbus, OH, TNNA markets as
well as the Dallas and Phoenix Regional markets. Upcoming trunk
shows include:
Anneke's Needleworks , South Miami , FL 1/29 - 2/12
Golden Yarns and Needlework, Naples, FL 2/1 - 2/10
Needlepoint Paradise, Houston, TX 2/12 - 2/27
Persnickety Stitchers, Inc., Zionsville, IN 4 /1 - 4/15
Needle Nook, San Angelo, TX 10/14 - 10/29
1296 Estate Lane
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Phone 847-482-0188
Fax 847-482-0189