Note to our visitors: Permission to reproduce these
patterns, instructions and charts has been granted by Claudia Dutcher for
our visitors' personal use only. Any other use whether it be copied, electronically
reproduced, used as a teaching tool, in a class or for any other non personal
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Instructions and Pattern Compliments of Claudia

copyright © 1998 Dutch Treat Designs
"A tabletopper is a stitched doily.
When I was growing up we had lots of doilies in my Mommie's house. There
were crocheted ones, knitted ones, embroidered ones, and even a few cross
stitched ones! So to keep the tradition going, I present you with the tabletopper:
an easy to stitch, easy to maintain "doily" for your house from
me!" Claudia Dutcher
The easy way to stitch this doily or
Stitch the doily in quarters, just as you see it on the graph. Stitch
the left corner square first. Complete the fish border for the entire side.
Turn the piece 1/4 turn and repeat. You will see your stitches crossed
in the same direction as you complete each quarter, but your stitches will
not technically cross all in the same direction when looking at the entire
finished piece.
Use 1 ply of Watercolour thread for all stitches. For the chain DMC
3072 #5 Pearl cotton can be substituted for Anchor 1223. Backstitch the
fish in Midnight. The pulled eyelet ships wheel is stitched in Black Forest.
Fabric: Anne Cloth 18 ct. Antique Blue 4 square doily or 10 count
Delta Blue Tula from R&R Reproductions
Size: stitch count 120 x 120, approximately 16 x 16 inches
Needles: #22 tapestry needle, #24 tapestry needle
Thread needed to complete this project:

Nun Stitched Edge
The Nun stitch is a finishing stitch that, when completed, will keep
your piece from unraveling. It is a pulled stitch done using size 12 pearl
cotton with a #24 tapestry needle. The Nun stitch looks like a backward
"C". It is an "over two" stitch. See the stitch diagram
for instruction and the pattern chart for placement. Use one strand of
the #12 pearl cotton.

Begin by pulling out the fifth thread beyond the outer fish border.
This will leave two threads between the fish border edge and the inside
edge of your Nun stitch. The ìditchî, the vacant thread track,
will mark the outer boundary for your Nun stitch. Begin stitching on the
upper left side with the front of the doily facing you. Bring your thread
up in the "ditch" to start. When you reach the woven borders
of the Anne Cloth, treat them as if they are two threads. When you arrive
at the corner, turn the fabric one quarter turn clockwise. The back of
the ìCî now becomes the top of the "C" on the new
Pull out the 15th thread on the outside of the finished Nun stitched
edge. Use this as a cutting guide to even up the fabric so that all four
edges will be the same width. Fringe by pulling out the long threads parallel
to the Nun stitched edge. This doily can be machine washed. Enjoy!
Dutch Treat Designs, Dutch Treat Needlecrafts, 291 South Livermore
Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550-4651
Phone: 925-294-8621 / Email: / Web
Watercolour Thread from The Caron Collection, Pearl cotton from DMC
and Anchor, Anne Cloth from Zweigart
Permission granted for shops and guilds to photocopy for
free distribution only.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: None of these designs
or intructions can be reproduced or distributed in any form (including
electronic) without the prior written permission of Claudia Dutcher.