In this piece, you will be stitching with Impressions - solid
and hand-dyed. Impressions is 50% wool / 50% silk. It is a soft
and extremely strong thread which makes it very adaptable to
this type of needlework as well as many others. The hand-dyed
is dyed on natural or white Impressions and colors added to create
the variegation.
General Instructions
- The use of an embroidery hoop is strongly recommended -
be sure it is clean! Be sure to remove it from your fabric when
you are not stitching, even if only for a short period of time.
- All stitching with Impressions is done using one strand.
- Do not use knots to begin or end threads.
Materials Needed
Linen Fabric - 4 ½ x 6 3/4
#7 crewel needle
Dressmakers transfer paper
Impressions - 2 yds each: #5002 (Green), #024 (Twilight)
Note: The above colors were used in the model. You may
choose your own - but choose one solid color and one hand-dyed.
Stitching Instructions
1. Begin by transferring the design onto the fabric. First
place the linen on a table or hard surface and tape the corners
and possibly the center outside edge, making sure the linen is
smooth and won't slip. Place the transfer paper down on the center
of the fabric with the proper side facing the fabric (colored
side to fabric). Next, place your design tracing on top of the
transfer paper and carefully pin both sheets of paper to the
fabric. Trace over your design tracing. I use a ballpoint pen that has run out of ink. Don't use a pen or pencil that
may puncture the paper and put markings on the fabric. In the
case of the flowers on the design pattern which are outlined
in dots, do not trace these flowers with straight lines. You
may place a couple of dots for each flower for reference or choose
not to mark them at all. The stitches used here may not cover
a complete outline.
2. Stitch all stems first using crewel outline on the larger
stems and stem outline on the smaller tendrils in green.
3. Satin stitch "cups" which hold the "flowers"
in green.
4. Stitch "flowers" with Fan Whipped Spider using
the Twilight color, hand-dyed thread.
5. Follow the mounting directions supplied with the needle
case to complete this project.
Crewel Outline
Worked from left to right with the yarn toward you; touch
the previous stitch with the next stitch.

Stem Outline
Worked the same as the crewel outline except that the yarn
is held away from you.
Fan Whipped Spider
Working from right to left, stitch spokes in the shape to
be worked from bottom to top, spacing somewhat evenly. Bring the needle up at the narrowest portion
of the shape outside of the first spoke on the left side, go
under the first spoke, then over the first spoke and then pass
the needle under the next two spokes. Continue going back over
one spoke and forward under two spokes. At the end of the row,
go under only one spoke and go down with the needle at the outside edge of the shape. Run the needle under the straight
stitches on the back to the left side. Begin whipping the spokes
again from left to right. Take time to gently push the stitches
in the second row against the ones in the first row. Continue
in the same manner until the shape is filled. Keep the tension
as even as possible.

Design for Transfer
You may either use the design at the top of this page (next
to the photo) to trace and then transfer to the fabric or you
may choose to trace it to another piece of tracing paper and
Note: A complete kit for this
pattern, in the colors shown, is available from Carolyn Hook
for $3.40, including postage, (but not the needlecase)! For other
Carolyn Hook Designs call for her catalog ($3.50) at (978) 745-9696
or see your local needlework retailer.
© 1997 by Crewel and Unusual Designs
Division of It's a Crewel World, Inc.
231 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970
No portion of this design may be reproduced
in any form without the express written permission of Carolyn