Delicate Essentials
I (watch for Part
II next month)
Hardanger Design by Mary Hickmott (Read about her in our "Feature
Story" this month)
Our special thanks to "New Stitches" magazine
for this featured design and instructions.
Treat yourself to a new sewing set or embroider the perfect gift
for a stitching friend with these Hardanger needlecases and pincushions.
Choose either traditional white on white or use shaded Caron
threads for subtle colour tones; both will brighten up your workbox.
Needlecase Front
For the needlecase worked
in Caron threads you will need...
2 pieces of Zweigart china rose (shade 414), 22 count Oslo fabric,
10 ins x 12 ins (25 cms x 30 cms).
Caron Watercolours, cotton candy #116.
Caron Wildflowers, cotton candy #116.
Tapestry needle sizes 24 and 26.
Two pieces of white felt 4 ins x 512 ins (10 cms x 14 cms).
Pink sewing cotton.
Approximate design size: 41/8 ins x 53/4 ins (10 cms x 15 cms).
For the needlecase worked
in Pearl cotton you will need...
2 pieces of Zweigart white, 28 count Quaker cloth, 8 ins x 10
ins (20 cms x 25 cms).
White Anchor Pearl cotton no.8.
White Anchor Pearl cotton no.12.
Anchor stranded cottons, blossom pink (shade 49) and pale moss
green (shade 265).
Two pieces of pink felt 31/4 ins x 4 ins (8 cms x 10.2 cms).
Tapestry needle sizes 24 and 26.
White sewing cotton.
Approximate design size: 33/8 ins x 41/4 ins (8.6 cms x 11 cms).
One skein of each shade of thread is
more than enough to complete these projects.
Click on the images
below for Full size Charts
(Note back chart appears underneath the
front chart on the same page.)
Needlecase Back Chart
Working the needlecase
Oversew the edges of the fabric before stitching to prevent fraying.
One line on the chart represents one fabric thread of Quaker
cloth or two double threads of Oslo fabric.
For the Pearl cotton version:
1 Work the Kloster blocks of five stitches over four threads
and the Four sided stitch using white Pearl cotton no. 8.
2 Work the Straight stitches in two strands of green stranded
cotton (Anchor 265) and the Detatched chain stitches in two strands
of pink stranded cotton (Anchor 49).
3 Cut the appropriate fabric threads and withdraw them.
4 Work the Woven bars, Doveís eye filling and Spiderís
web filling using white Pearl cotton no.12.
For the Caron threads version:
Follow the method above using one strand of Watercolours cotton
candy for the Kloster blocks and Four sided stitch and Wildflowers
cotton candy for all the remaining stitches.
Making up the needlecase
1 Once the back and front of the needlecase have been embroidered,
carefully cut away the excess fabric eight fabric threads away
from the embroidery all round. Turn a hem to the back and slip
stitch into place.
2 Place the back of the needlecase right side down, place the
two felt pieces on top and last of all the front embroidered
piece right side up.
3 Using the sewing cotton sew all the pieces together by back
stitching down the inner side of the Four sided stitch as shown
on the chart with a red line.
Stitches used
For the basics of Hardanger please see Issues 5 and 6 of New
Stitches or our book ëEasing into Hardangerí. Either
of these will clearly explain both the working of Kloster blocks
and the cutting of open areas. Hardanger designs that have recently
appeared in New Stitches can be found in Issues 59, 60 and 61.
Spider's web filling
Fasten on a length of the chosen thread behind the Kloster blocks
or Woven bars and bring the thread up from underneath the fabric
as shown.
Take the thread down into the diagonally opposite square of fabric.
Take three twists over the thread you have just worked and go
down into the centre of the first fabric square.
Take the working thread round underneath the fabric and through
the Kloster blocks as shown by the red dotted line (in some cases
you will be taking it underneath the Woven bars). Bring the thread
out underneath the lower right corner of the cut square being
worked and take the thread over the twisted thread and down into
the fabric square diagonally opposite.
Take one twist over the thread and come out at A. Then pass over
and under both diagonal laid threads in a circular motion for
two rounds. Finally take one more twist around the thread of
the latest diagonal and go down into the centre of the right
hand lower fabric square.
At this point you may be in the correct place to start the next
filling. If not, pass the working thread through the backs of
the Kloster blocks or Woven bars to reach your starting point
for the next filling.
-- -
- --
Four sided stitch
Work as shown in the diagram. Pull the stitches slightly.
Weave the thread in a figure of 8 motion over and under the exposed
threads to cover them. There is no rule as to how many of these
you should work, work sufficient to cover the exposed threads. |
eye filling with woven bars
Fasten on behind a Kloster block and bring the needle out centrally
to the block. Take the stitches around the square to be filled
as shown in the diagram, passing the thread under then back over
the bars as you go. Be sure to take the thread over the first
stitch as shown before taking the thread into the first Kloster
block to pass on to the next stitch. |
Follow the order in the diagram. |
chain stitch
Work as shown in the diagram taking the last stitch down over
one fabric thread. |
Click here for Part
II instructions for the Pincushion.
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to "New Stitches":
For more information on "New Stitches" and
"Cross Stitch Gallery" see their website at
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or by subscription. For further details contact: Creative Crafts
Publishing Ltd., Well Oast, Brenley Lane, Faversham, Kent, ME13
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