The CARON Collection is pleased to feature one of the
outstanding shops who so ably provide stitchers with not only
supplies but guidance, technical expertise, and inspiration.
We hope you'll support your local shops and browse through our
extensive SHOP LISTINGS to find a shop near you.
Mrs. Stitches in Mendham, NJ
Becoming acquainted with Mrs. Stitches means meeting PEABODY,
the cute little duck that appears on the shop website, business
stationary, store sign etc. Anne A Marek, the shop's owner, explains
how he came to be her mascot, "He was purchased from the
gift shop in the Peabody Hotel during an ANG seminar. The hotel
is famous for its mallards, which enjoy a grand life swimming
in a lovely turn-of-the-century marble fountain in the lobby.
Each evening the Duckmeister escorts them to their penthouse
apartment in the Hotel where they dine on cracked corn until
morning when, promptly at 11:00 am they are again escorted down
the elevator to their fountain 'pond.' It's a great life for
a duck at The Peabody Hotel! This cute little fella now resides
at 6 Hilltop Road. He's here and for sale as a three pound frame
weight, or unweighted as an adorable stuffed critter."
Anne's journey into the needlearts began in 1989 when she
decided to change hobbies. Horseback riding had been her favorite
pastime and in looking for something to replace the hours she
spent riding, she decided to try stitching. After completing
two needlepoint kits she says, "I loved it. I couldn't get
enough of needlepoint." So began a pastime that was destined
to become Anne's passion and ultimately, her profession. At the
time, a shop called Mendham Stitchery was located right in her
neighborhood. Anne recalls, "I couldn't believe there were
such beautiful hand painted canvases available. Through that
shop, I stitched my six dining room chair seats plus numerous
Christmas pillows." Anne began taking beginner and then
intermediate level classes at the store, then taught by Mrs.
Gaby Wicklow.
Mendham Stitchery was owned by 3 women; the shop carried materials
for needlepoint and knitting. The extent of fibers they carried
was Paternayan and Medici wool and DMC floss. Most of their business
catered to knitters, "but," says Anne, "at the
time, that was enough." In 1992, one of the partners decided
to sell her shares. Anne had for the past 17 years been the Executive
Director of the Morris County Medical Society and was herself
looking for a change. She opted to buy into the business. Upon
joining the ANG, she diligently began attending classes and seminars,
striving to learn all she could.
Over time, Anne completed courses in Florentine embroidery, painted
canvas embellishment, counted thread techniques, cut and pulled
work, silk and metal thread embroidery, blackwork, Ruskin lace,
canvas appliqué, painted canvas embellishment, Danish
whitework, beading and cross stitch sampler techniques. In 1996
she was chosen by the ANG to design a Christmas stocking for
the White House Tree and the following year, the National Needlework
Association picked her to design an Ornament for the 1997 White
House Tree. This circular ornament featured Peabody, the shop's
mascot, making his White House debut!
White House Ornament
1996 |
White House Ornament
1997 |
From 1995-1997 Anne was Program Chairperson for the ANG, NJ
Needle Artists Chapter and since1998 she has served as its President.
She is also a member of the EGA, the Friends of Counted Embroidery,
the Smocking Arts Guild of America (SAGA) and has completed the
Master Craftsman Program in Canvas Embroiders of the EGA, Level
1. Additionally Anne has participated in many needlework exhibits
and has served as a judge of needlepoint, embroidery, needlework
and counted thread techniques for the NJ State Federation of
Woman's Clubs.
In 1996, when Anne's two remaining partners retired, she was
ready to buy them out and take the reins on her own. She changed
the name of the shop to Mrs. Stitches, but that was only the
first of the significant changes to come. An entirely revitalized
business was about to be born along with the new moniker. When
queried about how the business has changed since she took over,
Anne does not hesitate, "Product has multiplied a thousand-fold!"
Anne started by renovating the space. She removed knitting
suppliese ntirely and began adding instead all the new specialty
threads she could find: new flosses, braids, rayons, wools, silks,
cottons and fiber blends made their appearance. Counted cross-stitch
was brought in at the earliest opportunity. Mrs. Stitches became
and remains a full service needlework shop specializing in hand-painted
needlepoint canvases and unique cross stitch fabrics and charts.
Special in house services include blocking for canvases and custom
finishing for pillows, rugs, wall hangings, bell pulls, frames,
belts and handbags, as well as for all kinds of Christmas ornaments
and stockings.
Anne is proud of her extensive selection of hand painted canvases
from all the top name designer: Melissa Shirley, Elizabeth Turner,
JHL & Co., Rebecca, Alexa, Amanda Lawford, Susan Treglow,
JP, Silver Needle, Susan Roberts, Barbara Eyre, AT, Julie Mar,
Napier and many more. Also in stock are a limited number of pre-stitched
design canvases for footstools and chair seats. Inventoried as
well are Vera Bradley Designs including a full line of handbags,
small luggage items suitable for toting stitching projects and
other accessories.
Fabric inventory includes Zweigart canvas and fabrics as well
as specialty fabrics: Glenshee linen, legacy linen, Belfast and
Dublin linen, klostern, Tula, all counts of heatherfield in most
of the colors, lugano, and jobelan. For cross-stitch enthusiasts,
the shop boasts numerous charts including those by all the foremost
designers, as well as small cross-stitch kits. Specialty kits
include Elizabeth Bradley and Beth Russell Victorian designs,
Bucilla kits for cross-stitch and needlepoint, Mill Hill Cross
Stitch and beaded kits, and Susan Clarke Heirloom Beaded Amulet
purses. Cross-stitch designs are readily available from The Drawn
Thread, Cross Eyed Cricket, Prairie School, Homespun Elegance,
Shepherd's Bush, Lizzie Kate, Mirabilia, and Just Nan. Many reproduction
samplers are available from R&R Reproductions, Sampler Works,
Handwork, and Heart's Content. Among threads in stock are the
Caron Collection Impressions line, both solid and overdyed, Snow,
Watercolours, Wildflowers and Waterlilies. Anne points out, "Probably
my best selling thread is Impressions. Once someone tries it,
they really never go back to wool. It is so soft and supple."
Mrs. Stitches offers a unique selection of other needlework
products: lovely hand-turned items including laying tools, Tekobari
cases, needleholds and thread catchers. Another specialty offering
is a stunning selection of antique needlework tools. Anne
elaborates, "As a general guide, English needlework tools
readily available to collectors fit into three different periods
of time - the ivory tools of the Georgian Era, the mother-of-pearl
tools that are synonymous with the Victorian Era and the sterling
silver tools that are typically Edwardian. Handmade pincushions
and needle books give us a glimpse into the lives of eighteenth
and nineteenth century ladies."
French & English Victorian Needlework Tools
Enameled and Silver Tools, Shaker Leather and Ribbon
Needlework Piece
Antique needlework tools and thimbles shown above
include a Victorian iron sewing box, a French mother-of-pearl
egg shaped etui, a leather box with enameled silver tools, and
a Shaker style ribbon and leather needlework piece
"Peabody's VIP Club" offers Anne's regular customers
more "bang for the buck!" It includes a key tag system;
when the tag is fully punched, it is redeemable for $20 worth
of goods or services. Trunk shows are held periodically and the
next one scheduled is a Melissa Shirley Show from September 14
through 29, 2002. A newsletter published twice a year announces
upcoming classes and trunk shows. Classes are held for beginning,
intermediate and advanced stitchers. Gaby, who taught Anne when
she was just a novice, still teaches at the shop and is beloved
by all. Lucy, an accomplished needlewoman, avid stitcher and
past President of NJ Needle Artists Chapter of the ANG, helps
out on Saturdays and fills in when Anne is away.
Anne with Vickie
An 18-month-old German Shepherd.
Vickie, Anne's dog, has been accompanying Anne to the shop
since she was 8 weeks old. Anne relates, "All my customers
love her. She has completed four levels of dog obedience and
graduated from the super advanced class. She also took the AKC's
Canine Good Citizen Test and passed with flying colors. She will
be entering a therapy dog program this summer."
Mrs. Stitches is located approximately 12 miles west of Morristown
off Route 24, in a part of NJ that retains its rural and scenic
aspect. "We're in the country," Anne states simply.
She adds an enticement, "How about a nice stuffed critter
for the making, or choose from a fine selection of antique needlework
tools, thimbles, chatelaines and scissors? Pick out a special
gift for your special stitcher at Mrs. Stitches."
Anne A. Marek
Mrs. Stitches
6 Hilltop Rd. Mendham, NJ
phone: (973) 543- 2040
fax: (973) 543- 3886
Shop Hours Tues. Fri. Noon 5 pm
Sat 10 am -- 5 pm