by Rita Vainius
As winter continues to run its course, we all become eager
for warmer temperatures and the glorious colors of spring. To
go along with our Flower theme for March, our kids' project will
show you how to make some colorful pansies to brighten your room
while we patiently await springtime!
What you will need:
3 skeins of Watercolours threads: one each of Peach Melba, Amethyst
and Buttercup
Pearl stamens - one package (a total of 12 stamens)
Floral wire - one package each of #20 gauge and #24 or #26 gauge
Green florist tape - one roll
2 packages leaves - one of large leaves (1 inch approximately)
, one of smaller leaves (about 3/4")
Here we go:
Step 1 - Cut one piece of the # 20 gauge wire to 16 - 18 inches.
Fold wire in half.
Step 2 - Cut the #24 or #26 gauge wire into 11 pieces, each 4
inches long. Fold them in half. (Figure 1)
Step 3 - Using the Amethyst thread, open the skein by untying
or cutting the threads securing the label. Untwist the skein.
Cut through the loop in the skein (Figure 2), opposite from the
end from where the label was (Figure 3.) Unfold and lay the skein
flat in one long piece. (Figure 4).
Figure 2 |
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Step 4 - Cut the thread into 6 pieces, each 2 inches long (Figure
Step 5 - Repeat step 3 with the skein of Buttercup thread.
Step 6 - Cut the Buttercup thread into 4 pieces, each 3 inches
Step 7 - Take the stamens and using 5 pieces (Figure 6), which
have a total of 10 stamens, one at the end of each piece, and
put them through one of the shorter wires, in the fold (Figure
7). Twist the wire together tight around them (Figure 8).
Figure 6 |
Figure 7 |
Figure 8 |
Step 8 - Put the 6 pieces of Amethyst thread through the 6 pieces
of smaller wire, and twist to tighten around threads (Figures
10 and 11).
Figure 10 |
Figure 11 |
Step 9 - Take the stamens and surround them with the 6 pieces
of Amethyst threads (Figures 12 and 13). Holding them with the
wires all close together under the threads, wrap the florist
tape around the wires close to the threads (Figure 14).
Figure 12 |
Figure 13 |
Step 10- Take the 4 pieces of Buttercup threads and surround
the Amethyst threads with
them (Figure 15). Again wrap the wires with the florist tape
for about 1 to 1 inches down the stem (Figure 16).
Figure 15 |
Figure 16 |
Step 11- Place the wrapped threads making up the flower in the
loop of the long # 20 gauge wire (Figure 17). Then twist the
wire around the stem close to the threads and over the florist
tape. Twist the wire around the stem as you move down the stem
several times so it all becomes one long stem (Figure 18). Then
wrap over this with the florist tape about 2 inches down from
the stem, but do not cut the tape.
Figure 17 |
Figure 18 |
Step 12- Secure one of the large leaves by laying the wire below
the leaf next to the stem. Then wrap around the leaf wire and
the stem to secure the leaf. About 1 to 1 inches below the first
leaf secure the second large leaf in the same way, but place
this leaf on the opposite side of the stem from the first one.
Do not cut the florist tape while you are doing this since, after
all the leaves are attached we will continue wrapping the rest
of the tape all the way to the bottom of the stem. Next secure
one of the small leaves 3/4 to 1 inch below the second leaf,
again on the opposite side of the stem and finish wrapping the
stem. You now have a complete pansy which just needs a bit of
trimming and touch up to look almost like the real thing , and
better yet, it's blossoming right now!
Step 13- Smooth down all the threads so that the are evenly dispersed
around the stamens in the center and are laying down fairly flat.
The Buttercup threads should be longer than the Amethyst threads.
Trim the Buttercup threads to about 1/4 inch longer than the
Amethyst threads all around. Then trim the Amethyst threads so
that they are all approximately the same length (Figure 19).
Bend down the leaves slightly so that they are projecting out
from the stem. Behold your completed flower and feel the promise
of spring around the corner!
Step 14- Follow steps 1 through 13 to make the second Pansy,
substituting the Peach Melba threads for the Amethyst threads
in the Pansy you just completed. Now you have a pair of Pansies.
If you're really ambitious, or really in a hurry for Spring to
arrive, you can make more Pansies using the same colors or substituting
other threads to suit your fancy!
Step 15- When you have completed as many Pansies as you want,
hold the stems of each flower together and wrap around all of
them with the florist tape below the leaves, joining them all
together into a posy (bouquet). Then if you want to add a really
special touch, add some Baby's Breath sprigs all around the Pansies
and secure the stems of the Baby's Breath to the stems of the
Pansies by wrapping with the florist tape. You can place your
Pansies in a vase where they will last through spring and many
more seasons. You can also make a corsage by eliminating all
of the leaves except for one large one on each flower and using
a shorter stem on each. You can also make a single shorter flower
and wear it in your hair. However you display your Pansies, they're
sure to bring a fresh breath of spring air your way!
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: No part of these instructions/project
nor the included diagrams/illustrations can be reproduced or
distributed in any form (including electronic) or used as a teaching
tool without the prior written permission of the CARON Collection
Ltd. One time reproduction privileges provided to our web site
visitors for and limited to personal use only.