Note to our visitors: Permission to reproduce these
patterns, instructions and charts has been granted by Charland Designs Inc.
for our visitors' personal use only. Any other use whether it be copied,
electronically reproduced, used as a teaching tool, in a class or for any
other non personal use represents a violation of the designer's copyright
and requires the express written permission of the designer for its use.
Compliments of Charland Garvin
Designed to fit Sudberry House Shaker Oval Pincushion on 28
ct. linen.
Shown at 200% of actual size.
Use 1 strand Wildflowers or 2 strands Waterlilies for all stitching.
use two strands floss to backstitich hands or stain stitch heart. Cross
stitches in cuffs may be done in the color of your choice.
If using the small Bird in Hand charm, you may wish to coat it with
a clear finish before attaching within the hand area. We tied it on with
a small bow, using magenta floss.

Backstitching of scroll
and vine.
© 1998 Charland Designs Inc.
Permission granted for shops and guilds to photocopy for
free distribution only.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: None of these designs
or instructions can be reproduced or distributed in any form (including
electronic) without the prior written permission of Charland Designs Inc.