Part I
The tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, have stunned and affected
us all. We, at the Caron Collection, never imagined that we would
be presenting a Special Feature to commemorate a catastrophe
of such magnitude. This Special Tribute, the first in an ongoing
series, is dedicated to the many thousands who lost their lives
or were injured and the many thousands more who lost family members,
friends and colleagues in the disasters. It is dedicated as well
to all the heroic and selfless efforts of those involved in the
rescue and continuing recovery efforts. Needlework designers
were quick to do their part; as artists, these designs are their
way of expressing their feelings, as well as helping relieve
some of the anxiety, despair and fear which this senseless destruction
has engendered. Those who are offering their designs free of
charge have, to a person, asked that people make donations to
one of the organizations helping those in need. A list of these
is provided at the end of the feature.
David McCaskill
- Flag designed by David McCaskill is free. Design and
instructions can be printed off his website and permission has been granted to make copies for friends, families
and customers by:
- David McCaskill
Memorial Crosses
Leon Conrad
Memorial Crosses by Leon Conrad is a tribute from Leon to
those affected by the Sept 11th tragedy. The blackwork design
is offered free, but is not copyright free. Leon encourages stitchers
to donate to Red Cross relief efforts - or their other chosen
related charity. For the instructions and charts go to link below:
Crosses Instructions
For more information, contact:
Leon Conrad Designs
20 Courtenay Street
Kennington, London SE115PQ
Phone: 44 (0) 20 7582 8213
Fax: 44 (0) 20 7793 8339
Red, White, Blue and Stars
Uncle Sam's Hat
Patricia M. Mazu
Red, White, Blue and Stars and Uncle Sam's Hat are available from:
Patricia M. Mazu
5311 Woodridge Drive
Newburgh, IN 47630-2111
Phone: 812.853.9443
In Remembrance
Cynthia Zittel
Cynthia Zittel of The Drawn Thread, is providing her design, In Remembrance, for free. Cynthia has dedicated it, "IN
REMEMBRANCE" of all those who gave their lives September
11, 2001. For Cynthia's design, go to: In
The Drawn Thread
P.O. Box 880159
Steamboat Springs
Colorado 80488
Phone: (970) 871- 9640 or toll free: (888) 384 -7323
Fax: (970) 871 9640
Flag Ribbon Pin
Sandra McIlrath
The beaded Flag
Ribbon Pin by Sandra McIlrath is available for free on
the ANG Chapter website. For more information contact:
E mail:
ANG Chapter Website:
God Bless America
Patriotic Heart
Betsy Ross Doll
Emie Bishop
Three "Americana" themed designs all in Hardanger
were designed by Emie Bishop. These include a "God
Bless America" sampler, Patriotic Heart, a heart
shaped American Flag, and a Betsy Ross Doll, dressed in
blue skirt and red shawl. They are all included in Emie Bishop's
book, Celebrating the Seasons. For more
information contact Emie directly at:
Cross 'N Patch
Box 132
Milville, Utah, 84326
Phone: (435) 753- 1748 or Toll-free (800) 228- 3882
Fax: (435) 753-5332
E mail:
Plea from the organizations
that are helping those affected by the
Tragedy of September 11, 2001:
Your Help is needed. Please Donate Now! While we are all deeply
saddened by the tragedy of Tuesday, September 11, you can help
now by supporting the relief efforts. Relief organizations tell
us that they most need cash donations to fund special resources
and personnel. To make a donation or learn more about these organizations,
links for them and others can be found at:
American Red Cross
September 11th Fund
The New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund
New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund
Twin Towers Fund
WTC Police Disaster Relief Fund
The Survivors Fund - Washington, D.C. area
Salvation Army
Robin Hood Relief Fund
New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund
The Fund for Public Schools - WTC School Relief Fund
100% of your donation will go directly to these relief organizations.
Donating through is safe and secure. United Kingdom
residents can make donations to a special Help USA fund created
by the Charities Aid Foundation.