Materials List
8" x 12" French Blue mono canvas
1 skein Antica AT7 Terra Cotta
1 skein Antica AT12 Midnight
2 skeins Candlelight D2 Solid Copper
1 skein Double Dipped Rachel B1205
1 skein Impressions 7001 Williamsburg Blue very dark
1 skein Rachel B16
1 skein Rachelette A25 Tan
1 skein Snow 04 Night Sky
1 skein Soie Cristale 7001 Williamsburg Blue very dark
1 skein Watercolours 54 Terra Cotta
1 skein Waterlilies 54 Terra Cotta
1 skein Wildflowers 54 Terra Cotta
1 skein Wildflowers 115 Blush
Design size: 54 by 120 canvas threads which measures
3 x 6 7/8 inches
Refer to the Main Diagram for correct stitch placement.
To start, measure down and in 2 1/2 inches from the upper
left corner.
Band 1 is worked in the Windowpane Scotch stitch. Use
4 plies of Terra Cotta Waterliles for the black stitches on the diagram and 4 plies
of Soie Cristale 700l for the white stitches.
Skip 3 horizontal canvas threads between each band.
Bands 2, 5, 9, and 12 are all worked in the Cashmere
stitch. Use 2 strands of Candlelight D2 for each of these bands.
Band 3 is worked in the Indian Stripe stitch. Use 2
strands of Impressions 7001.
Band 4 is worked in Alicia's Lace Variation. Use 1
strand of Antica AT12 for the diagonal stitches, and 1 strand of Antica AT 7 for the vertical
running stitches.
Band 6 is worked in the Star Octagon stitch. Use 4
plies of Soie Cristale 7001 for the diagonal stitches, and 4 plies of Terra Cotta Waterlilies
for the smyrna crosses.
Band 7 is worked in the Ribbon stitch. Use 1 strand
of Rachel B16 for the tent stitches, and 1 strand of Rachelette A25 for the straight
Band 8 is worked in the Double Tied Cross Trame stitch.
Lay a single strand of Double Dipped Rachel B1205 across the canvas. Work the Double
Tied Cross stitch with 1 strand of Antica AT12.
Band 10 is worked in the Staggered Cross stitch. Use
1 strand of Snow 04 for the large cross stitches, and 1 strand of Candlelight D2 for
the small cross stitches.
Band 11 is worked in the Woven Trellis Variation. Use
2 strands of Terra Cotta Wildflowers for the stitches slanting to the upper left
and 2 strands of Blush Wildflowers for the stitches slanting to the upper right.
Band 13 is composed of 6 Waffle stitches. Use 1 ply
of Terra Cotta Watercolours to work these stitches.

Piece together at overlapped
©2000 Thread Technique Team
(Permission to reproduce this has been
granted by Thread Technique Team for personal use only. These
charts cannot be reproduced, electronically or otherwise, or
sold without the express written permission of Thread Technique
Team. To do so is a violation of the copyright laws)