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Our Feature Gallery presentation is a display of works by some of the designers who have been most inspirational to Giulia Manfredini in her own serendipitous journey from hobby needleworker to designer.
Cherished Workes Sewing Case
Outside Cover Inside
of Envelope Style Sewing Case by With My Needle This design was originally published in the magazine Fine Lines but will soon be available in chart pak. Ellen says of this design, "I think it is most characteristic of the style of designing that I have developed." Giulia adds, "All her pieces are wonderful but this piece is an exceptional one with gorgeous colors and seems to exude peace while stitching. I have that issue of Fine Lines and plan to stitch it myself."
Ellen Chester
With My Needle
7122 Larchwood Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45241-1045
phone: (513) 779-0935
website: http://www.withmyneedle.com
"My own favorite is, of course the newest, "An Open Heart," emphatically states Cynthia of the Drawn Thread. Giulia comments, "Cynthia makes such subtle and charming use of little motifs and borders to achieve masterly results. I have many of her chart packs and I love to read them while I sit and have a nice cup of tea. It makes me feel happy."
Cynthia Zittel
The Drawn Thread
P.O. Box 880159
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
phone: (888) 384 7323
e-mail: drawnthreademail@earthlink.net
website: http://www.drawnthread.com
An Open Heart by The Drawn Thread
Gratitude By La-D-Da Lori's own favorite piece is "Gratitude." The soul of modesty, she exclaims, "I am
surprised to have inspired someone." Giulia adds, "Lori is actually one of my favorite designers. She surprises me with her charming way of designing life's creatures and life's events. I love Bo Peep, Doggie in the Window, A Right Spirit and others."Lori Markovic
e-mail: lorimarkovic@hotmail.com
website: http://www.Calicocanvasandcolors.com
Pennsylvania Beehive Sampler by the Goode Huswife This little sampler was inspired by an antique one seen in a book. It has random Pennsylvania German lettering and motifs and is shaped like a beehive and has a loop at the top for hanging. Giulia states, "I love their pieces that are inspired by the past and keep it still alive and so charming"
The Goode Huswife
Phone: (406) 892 2860
Website: http://www.nordencrafts.com/CHARTS/GH/GHmain.htm
My Earth by Shepherd's Bush My Earth is one of Tina and Teri's new designs. Giulia adds, "I love the whimsically simple and apparently childish style of Tina and Teri. I have many of their needlerolls, some samplers, many kits and I am actually stitching Sophie's Stocking."
Shepherd's Bush
Phone: 801-399-4546
Website: http://www.shepherdsbush.net
English Sampler Pincushion by The Nostalgic Needle Sharon's Designs are all so nice it was hard to choose just one! Giulia further states, "Sharon has such an elegance and is proficient in so many techniques and skills. She is a true teaching designer with a perfect choice of colors and motifs."
Sharon Cohen
The Nostalgic Needle
Website: http://www.nordencrafts.com/CHARTS/NOS/NOSMAIN.html
Pumpkin Hill by Chessie & Me Linda's designs reflect simplicity and love of color. I love her way of using variegated threads. The Stone Cottage Sampler and Two Found Hearts are a perfect example of this. The designs are so simple and yet exquisite at the same time.
Linda Lautenschlager
Chessie & Me
phone: (608) 924-6600
e-mail: Chesnme@aol.com
website: http://www.nordencrafts.com/CHARTS/CM/CMmain.htm
A Curious Needleroll by Sheepish Designs "I love their lovely way of designing creatures and flowers and trees. One
of my favorite pieces is Haste Ye Back but they have many beautiful examples
such as Winghaven and In The Meadows," says Giulia.Sheepish Designs
phone: (704) 875- 1402
e-mail: sheepish@mindspring.com
website: http://www.nordencrafts.com/CHARTS/SD/SDmain.htm
Feathered Flock by Heart in Hand Giulia notes, "Heart in Hand is one of my beloved designers. They have a simple way to represent life and human events. I love all those nice letters dancing under the needle or above the fabric. Once again a very nice and simple use of variegated threads."
Heart in Hand
phone: (513) 779 -6758
e-mail: hihn@aol.com
website: http://www.nordencrafts.com/CHARTS/HH/HHmain.htm
Teenie Tooth Fairy Pillow with Charms by The Sweetheart Tree Giulia notes, "The Teenie Tooth Fairy Pillow is one my favorite designs, but all the hearts are very nice. I love her wonderful way of designing and stitching garlands of leaves and flowers"
The Sweetheart Tree
e-mail: Sweetietre@aol.com
website: http://www.nordencrafts.com/CHARTS/SV/SVMAIN.htm
Old Rose and Chamomile by Ewe & Eye & Friends According to Giulia, "Ewe & Eye & Friends are designing and stitching lovely little creatures and their concept of nature is so quiet and relaxing. Their colors are charming and their use of variegated threads is lovely."
Ewe & Eye & Friends
Phone: (770) 570- 7663
e-mail: eweeye@aol.com
website: http://www.eweandeyeandfriends.com
Where Thy Heart Belongs From Merry's Heart Designs by Merry Cox Giulia states, "I marvel at the excellence of Merry's design work and especially love her three dimensional pieces. She has a special way of keeping the past alive and bright."
From Merry's Heart
Designs by Merry Cox
P.O. Box 402
Clovis, CA 93613 - 0402
Phone: (559) 346- 1976
Fax: (559) 346- 1976
E-Mail: merrysheart@cvip.net
Website: http://www.wyndhamneedleworks.com/Merry_Cox/merry_cox.htm
An Empty Purse by Thistle Threads Giulia refers to Tricia Wilson Nguyen as an inspiring designer. She further adds, "She has such a beautiful way of mixing the old and the new. Tricia has designed little needlecases, scissors cases and many other pieces with a unique old-fashioned style, like those beautiful slippers to hold the scissors."
Tricia Wilson Nguyen
Thistle Threads
phone: (781) 646- 9652
e-mail: tricia@alum.mit@edu
website: http://www.wyndhamneedleworks.com/Thistle_Threads/thistle_threads.htm
Pa. Pocket circa 1850 by Threads of Gold "Sometimes I love to take out the Threads of Gold kits and booklets and spend a few hours looking at them. Edna designs gorgious samplers from the past and new pieces with old-fashioned charm. Her reproductions of antique samplers are truly stunning," states Giulia.
Threads of Gold
Edna Medlin
Phone: (910) 892- 3083
e-mail: emlis@emlis.com
website: http://www.wyndhamneedleworks.com/Threads_of_Gold/threads_of_gold.htmWe are grateful to Giulia for turning us on to these wonderful designers.
Special Thanks to Lydia of Wyndham Needleworks for providing designs and contact information about the featured designers. Not only does Lydia operate a comprehensive on-line needlework store, which carries many designs by these wonderful artists, but she also runs a unique Needleworker's Bed & Breakfast retreat, that caters to stitcher's groups, where they can sit, stitch and shop all weekend long to their heart's content! For more information, contact Lydia at:
e-mail: Lydia@WyndhamNeedleworks.com
website: http://www.WyndhamNeedleworks.comDesigns not found on the Wyndham Needleworks site can be found on the Norden Crafts Ltd. Site at http://www.nordencrafts.com or on individual designer's sites listed above.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: No part of this feature story nor the included designs can be reproduced or distributed in any form (including electronic) or used as a teaching tool without the prior written permission of the CARON Collection Ltd. or the featured designers or contributors.
© 1997 The Caron Collection / Voice: (203) 381-9999, Fax: 203 381-9003
CARON email: mail@caron-net.com / Webmaster monika@nika-net.com