Carmen says of her design, "Designing & stitching
this really helped me work through some of the anguish &
helplessness I was feeling after watching what happened on Sept.
11. I still haven't dealt with it completely, but by doing this,
I was able to at least pick up a needle again. I now have a website
& the chart is up there for free download by anyone.
The chart can be found at
I handed out copies of these charts at Lancaster when I was
there for CATS as well as copies of info for the WTC Memorial
Quilt Bulletin Board, which is located at
For more information, contact Carmen at:
Columbine Designs
56560 Highway 83
Swan Lake, MT 59911
phone: (406) 754- 2569
fax: (406) 754- 2821 (Call ahead if sending fax)
e mail:
The Hat
by Roxanne Barkofsky
"THE HAT" by Roxanne Barkofsky. Roxy explains the
numerous implications encompassed by, and inspiration for, her
turban design, "Flappers of the America's Roaring Twenties
looked for ways to express their liberation from Victorian restraints,
not only in the Charleston, but in their mode of dress. The bejeweled
turban was one manifestation of their cry, 'Look at us, we are
modern women, we are reborn!' This hat is a celebration not only
of women's daring to be OUTRAGEOUSLY stylish, but of their incredible
courage in facing the devastating effects of cancer.
Still another element is the acknowledgement of women's heroic
part in bravely standing alongside men in the heroic search and
rescue attempts after the tragedy of the World Trade Center in
New York. This hat represents an analogy of the metamorphosis
of a butterfly -- from its beginning as a drab cocoon, to the
wondrous creature gracing our skies. It is a symbol of a butterfly's
life of change and unfolding beauty, the elements of which are
incorporated in the circular design. The 'Outrageous Hat' is
a tribute to women who choose to be true to themselves. Sometimes
that means coming out of one's shell to face life on one's own
The 'Healing Hat' represents changes that occur while dealing
with cancer, from the balding head as a result of chemotherapy
to re-growth of women's crowning glory -- their hair. The leaves
represent new growth and life. Some leaves become part of the
butterfly's wing. Just as one does not see every leaf on a specific
tree, one knows they are there. Some leaves are hidden within
the folds of the turban, just as new hair growth is often difficult
to detect.
The "Victory Hat" represents the spirit of our nation
as it harnesses the resources of all our people to replace fear
and sadness with determination to keep our freedoms and the beauty
of all things American. As I watched the horror of those days
in September, I stitched, and each stitch became a prayer for
all people of good will.
Other explanations: the metallic gold material on the base
of the head represents the hair and the World Trade Towers ...
both lost for a time, but with promise for return and rebirth;
tears on the cheek are for the victims of the disaster and cancer;
the hatbox is made of recycled cardboard and its outer covering
is hand-made marbled paper; the largest butterfly is made so
that it can be affixed to the shoulder of a dress; the hat can
be worn with casual or dressy attire and is flamboyant enough
to please any modern-day
"flapper" wishing to make statement for independence,
courage, and freedom; it is completely washable, as well (and
I can hardly wait to introduce it to Safeway's check-out line,
and I may even get a discount for sheer guts).
For more information, contact
Roxanne Barkofsky
E mail :
Patriotic Stocking |
Patriotic Belt
by Elizabeth Goodrick-Dillon
For more patriotic stockings and a patriotic ornament see
Designer Spotlight on Liz Dillon in our December Online magazine
or link to:
Liz Dillon
Tapestry Tent Designs
Address: 561 East Garden Drive Unit J
Phone: 970-674-0317
Fax: 970-674-0322
Business Name: Tapestry Tent Designs
Business e-mail and personal :
Dried Roses
By Barbara Elmore
Barbara says, "I chose the Dried Roses design because
although these flowers are no longer alive and fresh, their beauty
lives on. It seems, whenever there is a terrible loss, especially
a very public one, people have a need to place their grief in
a tangible fashion, and flowers at the site are a way to do this.
I hope my dried roses, which are created
out of silk ribbons, could represent the outpouring of love and
caring towards all the victims of the disaster, that will live
on forever."
For more information, contact
Barbara Elmore
Barbara Elmore Designs
P.O. Box 127
Sonoita, AZ 85637
Phone: (520) 455- 5639
Fax: 520) 455- 0038
E-Mail :
We The People
By Gigi Tease of The Sewing Circle
Thistle Needleworks will be glad to send a copy to anyone
who cannot download a clean copy. They also have made up kits
for sale, but the pattern is free.
For more information, contact Judie Solomon at:
- Thistle Needleworks, Inc.
- The Shops at Somerset Square
- 140 Glastonbury Boulevard
- Glastonbury, CT 06033
- 860 633-8503
- 860 633-1851 fax
- email
Plea from the organizations that are helping those affected
by the American Tragedy of September 11, 2001:
Your Help is Needed. Please Donate Now! While we are all deeply
saddened by the tragedy of Tuesday, September 11, you can help
now by supporting the relief efforts. Relief organizations tell
us that they most need cash donations to fund special resources
and personnel. To make a donation or learn more about these organizations,
links for them and others can be found at:
American Red Cross
September 11th Fund
The New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund
New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund
Twin Towers Fund
WTC Police Disaster Relief Fund
The Survivors Fund - Washington, D.C. area
Salvation Army
Robin Hood Relief Fund
New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund
The Fund for Public Schools - WTC School Relief Fund
100% of your donation will go directly to these relief organizations.
Donating through is safe and secure. United Kingdom
residents can make donations to a special Help USA fund created
by the Charities Aid Foundation