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The CARON Collection Presents a
Special Designer Tribute to the September 11, 2001 Tragedy - Part VIII of this Series
(Click here if you missed Part I, Part II , Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI and Part VII)
World Trade Center Memorial Quilt
The World Trade Center Quilts are an ongoing project that, when completed, will consist of five quilts. Initially, Kathie Baumgardner, the WTC Quilt project coordinator, hoped to have them completed in time for the first anniversary of the tragedy, September 11, 2002.
The schedule has been revised to March 1, 2003 because Kathy hasn't received enough squares to complete all 5 quilts. Stitchers can now stitch more than one square and new volunteers are signing up every day.
This should allow ample time for the project to be completed. The stitchers participating in this project felt it was more important to complete all 5 quilts rather than just to complete one WTC Quilt by the 1st anniversary."
When completed, the quilts will be presented to the local areas affected by the terrorist acts at the WTC, PA, DC, the NYPD and the FDNY. Details will follow as to exactly where they will be hung.
For more information and if you would like to volunteer to stitch a square, contact Kathie at:
E Mail: Kathieb@wtcquilt.com
Websites: WTC Quilt Homepage: http://www.wtcquilt.com
WTC Quilt Bulletin Board: http://pub92.ezboard.com/bworldtradecentermemorialquilt
WTC Quilt Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/wtcquilt/
The Spots Are Stars Too
Original, Fine Art Sculptured Wall Hanging by Roxanne Barkofsky This unique, one of a kind, artwork, measures 27"x 23" and is framed in rolled fabric which is part of the overall art piece. Designed and painstakingly created with attention to fine detail, exclusively for D.A.L./ Dalsavers, to be raffled for fundraising, the proceeds from this sculptured tapestry wallhanging on October 5 at the Cumberland Valley Dal Club show went to benefit Dalsavers and the September 11 Fund.
Created as a memorial to the fallen hero rescue workers of 9-11, the work is replete with embellishments synonymous with Dalmatians and Fire and Rescue professionals. The unquestionable loyalty of the Dalmatian and the heroic valor of the Firefighter, long recognized as perfect companions, are celebrated throughout the entire work.
This multi-media, 3-dimensional, brilliantly colorful piece has many layers of pastel transparent fabrics, ribbons, and trim giving it a cloud-like appearance and designs of pure silk, which resemble smoke. The Dals wear the raincoats, boots and helmets imprinted with 9-11 to mirror their human companions. A fire hose meanders its way from the bottom where the D-Company Dal puppies lounge comfortably in the partially coiled hose basket.
Centered in the tapestry is an oversized fire hydrant memorial containing a viewable list of all the firemen and rescue workers who lost their lives on 9-11. On top of the artwork are three Dals, each shedding a perfect teardrop, equipped with flashlights and shovels as they raise our country's flag over the layer of metallic ribbons mimicking piles of twisted steel as in the famous photograph. One Dal proudly waves the flag in one paw while holding the flame of Liberty in the other. Every Dal depicted in the tapestry is also wearing the red, white and blue awareness ribbon.
D.A.L./Dalsavers owes a huge debt of gratitude to renowned Monterey artist Roxanne Barkofsky for the many hours she lovingly put into this unique piece. To view more of her work, please visit: www.american-artforms.com and www.great-american-dogshow.com
"AMERICA: From the Heart"
Exhibit Embarks on a National Tour
One of the most emotionally moving exhibits ever presented at a Quilts, Inc. show was "AMERICA: From the Heart." Premiering at last year's International Quilt Market and Festival, the spontaneous exhibit included 277 quilts made in response to the Sept. 11 tragedies, some completed within just days of the event. Entries came from artists all over the world expressing their emotions from grief and sorrow to confusion and anger. The quilts themselves ranged in size from miniature to large, and in content from straight pictorial to artistic and interpretive.
Due to an overwhelming interest in this exhibit, Quilts, Inc. is proud to announce that approximately 125 of the quilts from the exhibit will tour selected venues the U.S. Below are the confirmed locations and dates, with more to be added in the coming months. In addition, a companion book featuring all 277 quilts and their artist's statements will be published by C & T Publishing in May 2002, with all of the profits going toward the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund, set up for the spouses and children of the victims of Sept. 11.
For information on available dates, please contact them at:
email: AMERICAquilts@att.net
fax: (713) 781-6887
U.S.A. Liberty Angel
Patriotic Tin Stitchworks was inspired to create 3 designs to commemorate the events of September 11, 2001. Two of the designs are available in chart pack and contain buttons needed for the design. The third design is their Patriotic Tin, which holds the kit within an actual tin. For more information, contact Stitchworks:
toll-free phone: 1-877-xstitch
e-mail: mail@stitchworks.com
website: http://www.stitchworks.com
VISION (Click on Image for Larger Preview)
By Robert Forman"Vision" measuring 34" X 32" was completed by Robert in 2002. Executed in his trademark "yarn painting" technique. The piece includes much visual imagery taken from the WTC memorials set up around New York City. Mr. Forman will be represented by the Sniderman Gallery at Chicago SOFA in October. For more information, contact him at:
e-mail: GlueYarn@aol.com
The "Comfie Bear"
Noreen Crone-FindlayNoreen states, "My response (well one of them- I'm still processing) to Sept 11 was to design a tiny teddy that people could crochet quickly and easily. This way, they could share their love in a concrete way. It's called, the 'Comfie Bear' and it's on the Craft yarn Council of America website. I've heard from people all over the world that the Comfie Bear has, indeed brought them, and other people lots of comfort! I crochet them in an ongoing way to give to women's shelters and to give to my brother-in-law, who is a Pediatric Rheumatologist. He gives them to children who are in pain.
For complete free instructions, go to:
Other Sites to Note:
Memorial Flag ProjectElizabeth Barnes is a woman on a mission -- "Our mission is to create a giant Memorial Flag to honor those that have perished in acts of terrorism over the past 30 years. At its completion the flag will travel to Washington, D.C., NYC and the Beirut Memorial in North Carolina. Our hope is to have enough funding and sponsorship for the flag to travel across the USA. We have received a tremendous amount of volunteer support, but we still need more stitchers to make squares. If you would like to stitch a square for the flag, please send an e mail to: memorialfag@cox.net"
Elizabeth informs us that quite a bit of the flag is already finished and they now hope to have it completed by the end of September. She has also received confirmation for the first date of display in Jacksonville, North Carolina near the Beirut Memorial.
Website: http://www.memorialflag.org
Sue Heal maintains a wonderful list of free designs dedicated to the events of September 11, 2001. The link to her USA Patriotic Memorial Charts is http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~sheal/usa.html
Remembrances for September 11, 2001
In memory of September 11, so many people have joined together to help each other in so many ways. It's as though the worst in humanity has brought out the best in humanity. And the best will prevail.
At http://cs.millersville.edu/~katz/xstitch/sept11.html. You will find links to many free charts as well as some that aren't entirely free (you should make a donation or be stitching a donation). For patriotic or other memorial charts that aren't mostly free, check with your LNS (local needlework shop) or Hoffman's Distributors.
For more information, contact:
Beth Katz, katz@cs.millersville.edu
Healing Hearts, Preserving Memories, Honoring Everyday Heroes
The Members and volunteers of America's 9-11 Memorial Quilts Organization would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to all families of 9-11. With the upcoming anniversary quickly approaching, we will remain faithful and dedicated to our work with the memorial quilts. Our hearts remain with each of you always and know we will always remember your loved ones now and always. We pray for your strength and faith through the 1st anniversary of that horrible day, we hold all of you in our hearts. WE WILL NOT FORGET.
God Bless all the emergency personnel in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania and throughout the world. We fully support you, always. Thank you for what you do every day, God Bless and keep you safe.
Jeannie Ammermann, President
America's 9-11 Memorial Quilts Organization
E mail: quiltmaker@comcast.net
Sept11thMemorial.com In the hours immediately after the tragedies of September 11th, 2001, I, like most people, felt compelled to do something to help. Being in Portland, Oregon was not advantageous to trying any sort of on-site assistance. Trying to think of what I could do to help, my experience with active server pages, though still quite un-polished, came to mind as a way I could assist and help people all over the world cope with this incident by giving them a place to visit and pay their respects to all of the lives lost.
I was fortunate that on the morning of September 12th, this URL was still available, and I immediately began work on putting the structure of the site up. I was excited to see the site listed on search engines, and welcome anyone to link to this site.
Your support is appreciated, for the victims of September 11th, their families and friends. This site will remain as a permanent memorial. For more information, go to: http://www.September11thMemorial.htm
Plea from the organizations that are helping those affected by the American Tragedy of September 11, 2001:
Your Help is Needed. Please Donate Now! While we are all deeply saddened by the tragedy of Tuesday, September 11, you can help now by supporting the relief efforts. Relief organizations tell us that they most need cash donations to fund special resources and personnel. To make a donation or learn more about these organizations, links for them and others can be found at:
American Red Cross
September 11th Fund
The New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund
New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund
Twin Towers Fund
WTC Police Disaster Relief Fund
The Survivors Fund - Washington, D.C. area
Salvation Army
Robin Hood Relief Fund
New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund
The Fund for Public Schools - WTC School Relief Fund
100% of your donation will go directly to these relief organizations
Project FiremanProject Fireman, an ambitious cooperative effort, was initiated by Linda Sirks and brought to our attention by Susan, one of its participants. She informed us, "Linda lives in New Jersey and so was very close geographically to the attacks on the WTC. At the time that I joined the project, Linda was recovering from back surgery, and had some spare time to devote to this. Now, though, Linda is back to work full time and also has three kids at home ranging in age from 10 to 15, so her hands are really full. She is, indeed, a woman blessed with an enormous amount of patience and dedication!"
A Fireman's Prayer
The design being stitched is called "A Fireman's Prayer," which Linda made as a birthday gift for her own husband in 1999 when he was a volunteer fireman in Albany, NY. Linda elaborates, "It's all about people from all over the world stitching the Fireman's Prayer. After the events of Sept. 11, I sat in my living room and just cried. Looking at his piece, I thought how wonderful if I could stitch it for all the families who lost a fireman. It was my hubby who said, 'Well why not go on the web and see if anyone else wants to stitch and you just might get 343 other people who want to help out.' So that's what I did."A Fireman's Prayer
When I am called to duty, God, wherever flames may rage, give me strength to save some life, whatever be its age. Help me embrace a little child before it's too late or save an older person from the horror of that fate.All the stitched pieces will be given to the families of firemen who perished in the Sept. 11th attacks. Linda adds, "I know that each of those men who went into those buildings never once stopped to think about anything other than saving someone's life. I want each family of those men to have the "Fireman's Prayer" hanging in their homes to know what a wonderful man their loved one was. The designer of the piece is Jean Lanning of Art Ventures and she was wonderful to allow me to copy the prayer for those who wish to participate in the project."
Enable me to be alert, and hear the weakest shout
And quickly and effectively put the fire out. I want to
fill my calling and to give the best in me, to guard
my every neighbor and protect his property.Linda is committed to completing this project, but needs more volunteers to do so! Susan states, "I'm sure Linda has worked more than one of these pieces herself. She has also arranged for donations of frames and mounting supplies. I myself have been amazed (and discouraged) at the number of people who were able to say 'no' to this! It is quite an amazing project and I am enormously proud to have any part in it. It would be wonderful to find more stitchers to participate to help Linda along, with something that will mean so much to so many grieving families."
And if according to Your will, I have to lose
my life, please bless with Your protecting hand
my children and my wife.Anyone wishing to volunteer for this project can contact Linda at: email: LS816@aol.com
By joining the loop she has set up: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ProjectFireman/
© 1997 The Caron Collection Ltd. / Voice: (203) 381-9999, Fax: 203 381-9003
CARON email: mail@caron-net.com / Webmaster monika@nika-net.com