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Thread Collector Box
A Thread Collector Box for your specialty threads by Jeannette Douglas Designs
Fabric: 32ct Vintage Basket weave by Lakeside Linens.
Design Count: 21 X117
Design Size: 1 x 7
Placed in a pencil box by Olde Colonial Designs – Embossed #407
For your convenience this complete class is available as a PDF download
General Instructions: All stitching is done in 1 strand of silk. The stitch diagrams are over 1 fabric thread, and the main graph is over 2 fabric threads.
Row Instructions:
1) Satin stitch with WL 137 copper.
2) Foursided stitch with SC 5133 Teal
3) Satin stitch with WL 137 copper.
4) Backstitch with SC 1192 Mauve
5) Diamond backstitch with NPI Gold
6) Backstitch with SC 1192 Mauve
7) Hungarian stitch in SC 3061 Rust
8) Smryna stitch in WL 137 Copper.
9) Cross stitch over 1 fabric thread the words ‘Thread Collector’. Cross stitch bottom row below words as designated and then place a star eyelet in the center with WL 137 Copper as shown in stitch diagram.
10) Rice stitch with WL 137 Copper.
11) Cross stitch as designated.
12) Triangle eyelet stitch in SC 1192 and add small upright cross stitches in NPI Gold
13) Cross stitch as shown and in the middle add oblong sitches in WL 137 Copper.
Click on each diagram/chart below for a full size image.
Copyright © 2009 Jeannette Douglas Designs