Dyed and Gone to Heaven – An Online Magazine and Needlework Resource  

The CARON Collection is pleased to feature one of the outstanding shops who so ably provide stitchers with not only supplies but guidance, technical expertise, and inspiration. We hope you'll support your local shops and browse through our extensive SHOP LISTINGS to find a shop near you.

Nettie's Needlecraft

Now a seasoned and highly respected veteran of the needlework trade for over 30 years, Nettie Wasserman opened her first shop not even knowing how to needlepoint. She was skilled in embroidery, learned as a child attending classes given in the public park in her hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. She was also an avid knitter, self-taught from a Sears pamphlet bought at age 10. Other needlework techniques were an unknown. She forged ahead with her plan, confident that she would acquire the necessary knowledge as she progressed. Her initial investment of $2700 was spent on rent and a tiny inventory of yarns, canvases and kits. Her husband built some tables for her and she used empty cartons from the market to hold the merchandise. Nettie had a very wealthy uncle who offered to finance her venture in high style in return for 51% of the business, but she was fiercely independent, though "green", and determined to make a "go of it" on her own terms. Failure was simply not in her vocabulary!

Even though Nettie's previous business experience was nil, she soon discovered she had a natural talent for it, as well as a comfortable rapport with her customers. Nettie firmly believed that all people have a need to create and express themselves and she was intent on filling this need. Her keen eye and innate artistic sense enabled her to scout out quality materials and unusual merchandise, augmenting her inventory whenever possible. She made herself available to her clientele 24 hours a day and some compulsive stitchers did indeed call her at home for advice. Nettie functioned as shop keeper, confidante and surrogate therapist, developing a loyal following. To this day many original fans will stop in LA solely to purchase their needlework supplies at Nettie's.

The shop evolved specializing in needlepoint and knitting. Classes were held six days a week, always filled to capacity. As a keen observer of human nature, Nettie marveled at the conversations that ensued among the stitchers. She can only hint that life indeed is sometimes stranger than fiction!

Nettie ran the shop alone for many years before giving in to the need to delegate some of the responsibilities. Today she relies on three employees: Ruth, whose specialty is knitting; Maria, who excels in needlepoint and Gladys, who keeps the shop as organized as is humanly possible given the volume of merchandise and the steady flow of traffic. Classes are generally private with Nettie usually not even charging for the instruction provided.

The location of Nettie's first shop was her biggest asset as a newcomer: right next door stood the best bakery in town, specializing in mouth-watering Swiss pastries. Directly across the street were the offices of the best dentist and children's orthodontist. (Handy for repairing the inevitable damage resulting from regular stops at the bakery!) You could say Nettie got them both coming and going! It was a high-end neighborhood and Nettie recalls a fellow shop owner introducing himself and then informing her that her business was not "classy" enough for the area. He had occasion to eat these words a year later and confess to her how much his own business had improved in the intervening time.

Situated as it was in Beverly Hills, accommodating celebrity customers at Nettie's became a commonplace occurrence. Artie Johnson became one of her first customers when he was shooting the original pilot for "Laugh-In". Other early regulars were Rock Hudson, Eve Arden and Barbara Rush. The first time Lois Linkletter walked in, she was about to leave on a skiing trip and needed some yarn for a tassel. Nettie sold her 3 strands of Persian yarn for 25 cents! She has since been a loyal repeat customer. As the business began to flourish, Nettie made yearly shopping trips to Europe to find unique items for the store in Vienna, Madeira, Lisbon, Paris and London. When in Paris she would spend a day walking the length of the Champs-Elysee searching out new products. She discovered some specialty fibers on one such trip and began importing them to distribute to a select group of needlework stores. Her son, Mark, who for a time assisted in her shop took over the distribution of this line increasing their customer base. Eventually this part of the business was sold.

After 11 years at her original location, Nettie was unceremoniously evicted when the landlord agreed to rent her shop to the bakery so they could expand. Nettie was appalled as she had obtained her landlord's spoken pledge when she first moved in, that her lease was secure. It was a tough lesson to face the reality that when it comes to money, such promises are not necessarily sacred. A friend heard of a vacancy on Wilshire Blvd., an even better location in Beverly Hills, which Nettie unabashedly refers to as the "Creme-de-la-Creme" of retail locales in the country. This positioned her near Rodeo Drive, Nieman Marcus, Sachs Fifth Ave., Bulgari, Tiffany, Barney's, Valentino and the famed Beverly Hilton Hotel. In this new location, her business became truly international and her customer base now spans the world. Nettie acknowledges that God has been very good to her. Not to mention that "what goes around, comes around", as the bakery that expanded by taking her old store, is now going out of business!

Nettie's selection of needlework wares has swelled over the years to the point where the shop is in danger of being over-run. Nettie exasperatingly jokes that when "Eye on LA", a TV special, featured her store a few years back, the camera crew had a hard time finding a vantage point from which to shoot the segment. In addition to the extensive threads, fabrics, hand painted canvases, European needlepoint kits, rug latch hook supplies and patterns for knitting, crochet and needlework of all kinds, she has a large collection of antique sewing collectibles. One such treasure is a solid ivory sewing kit with gold monograms circa 1815 which includes a pair of gold scissors, needle, awl and a thimble embellished with 3 kinds of precious Persian stones. Nettie also stocks North American and Lynn West Limited Edition Bears with prices that start at $700. If one of these does not sell after a time, she simply brings it home for her own family. Currently Nettie has eight grandchildren ranging in age from 10 years to 28, and one great grandchild who is 4.

Other out of the ordinary merchandise features a collection of antique European purse frames, a varied selection of footstools and piano benches with select needlepoint designs for the cushions and a large assortment of European laces and trims. She offers complete finishing services such as framing and pillow and rug finishing, done by experts in their respective fields.

Years ago Nettie began taking regular trips to Albuquerque and Santa Fe to buy silver and turquoise jewelry to add to her selection of merchandise. She now employs 2 of the best jewelry artisans which allow her to offer custom Southwest designs for bracelets, earrings, pendants and rings.

For many years, Nettie was the exclusive US agent for Jolles, a company which produced the most magnificent needlework tapestries, known as Trame. These canvases were literally painted with thread, each hole was counted and thread inserted. A long time customer bought the last of these as they are no longer available and have become collectors items.

What Nettie continues to provide is the " Rolls Royce" of custom design work, transforming customer's requests, which range from the ridiculous to the sublime, into original creations. Two highly experienced artists paint the canvases to her meticulous specifications.

When asked how the needlework trade has changed over the years, Nettie finds that today's needleworkers are much more advanced, sophisticated and demanding than before. Designers are more highly trained and skilled, offering superior quality especially in hand painted canvas designs. There is much more variety in stitches and techniques to create novel and unusual effects and for these there are considerably more excellent books available for reference.

Over three decades Nettie has created a venue for needlework aficionados that singularly reflects her vibrant personality and undiminished enthusiasm and which encompasses an eclectic mix of "finds" from her many travels. Not all clients who walk into Nettie's are Stars but you can be sure that she makes each individual feel like one.

Nettie's Needlecraft is located at 9742 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212. The phone number is (310) 550- 9997. Store hours are Mon. through Sat. from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

© 1997 The Caron Collection / Voice: (203) 381-9999, Fax: 203 381-9003

CARON email: mail@caron-net.com